Thursday, January 1, 2015

A prayer for the good use of the internet. . .

Found in the 1946 Roman Missal, this prayer was likely written a century before and was used to bless a telegraph.  Okay, so some of you will have to look up on Wiki what a telegraph was, but, in the meantime, it is not a bad little prayer for the good and faithful use of technology.  Perhaps it is a good prayer to begin another new year and use all the resources available to us to bring us greater confidence in God's grace and  nearer to Him by faith.

HT to Msgr Charles Pope

Deus qui ámbulas super pennas ventórum, et facis mirabília solus: concéde, ut per vim huic metállo índitam fulmíneo ictu celérius huc abséntia, et hinc álio praeséntia transmíttis; ita nos invéntis novis edócti, tua grátia opitulánte, prómptius et facílius ad te veníre valeámus. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen.

O God, who walks upon the wings of the wind and who alone works wonders, by the power inherent in this metal [tool], You bring near distant things quicker than lightning, and transfer present things to distant places. Therefore grant that, instructed by new inventions, we may, by Your bounteous grace, come with greater certainty and facility to You. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.   (loosely translated)

1 comment:

James Kellerman said...

If you want, you could substitute "per interréte intra plúrima computrátra contéxtum" or "per totíus terrae telam" for "per vim huic metállo índitam" and it would be updated for the internet age.